Displaying: 10/13 for Business Models

The value of care

Not Socks see themselves as a service entrusted by customers to express the language of care. See how this philosophy has seen them grow to new heights, despite a tough economy and increased competition.
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Growth through customer intimacy

Learn how Foxtrot Home have grown by bringing their passion, personality, and values to create a highly personalised customer online experience.
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eCommerce Market Sentiments Report 2024 Download

Our annual look at how online retailers and shoppers saw the last year and what they are expecting and prioritising in the year ahead.

eCommerce Market Sentiments Report 2023

Our annual look at how online retailers and shoppers saw the last year and what they are prioritising in the year ahead. Along with key insights, it features two case studies and an expert opinion.

eCommerce Market Sentiments Report 2022

Shopper and retailer research, case studies and expert opinions on the state of online shopping 2022.

The economic perspective

Kiwibank’s Chief Economist, Jarrod Kerr, tells us what’s driving our economy and his outlook for the future.
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Adapting & learning

The Meat Box has been embracing change through lockdowns, delivering strong results for them and good lessons for other online retailers.

Digital Boost

Find out more about how the Government’s latest initiative can support your digital adoption.

Looking back and forward with Trade Me

Our largest online marketplace, Trade Me, shares its views on 2020 and what the year ahead could hold.

Online marketplaces

See who's flocking to Marketplaces in 2020 and why.