The Full Download 2020

Download our latest report for valuable insights to grow your business

Welcome to our third Full Download, our annual in-depth review of eCommerce in New Zealand. This time round we are focused on the retailer, highlighting the trends and the consumer behaviours that continued to drive their growth across all sectors in 2019. We aim to arm you with the tools and insights you need to grow your eCommerce business.

Annual eCommerce Review
Customer collecting NZ Post parcel

Record transaction levels drive 2024’s online growth

Kiwi shoppers spent over $6.09b online in 2024, 5% more than they spent online in 2023. Online grew despite tough economic conditions which saw overall retail spending down 1.7%.
Woman holding a pen and writing on a pad

What made Q4 2024 a standout season for online shopping?

Online shoppers spent $1.73 billion in Q4 2024, up 9% on Q4 2023. The quarter’s spending peak was not only higher than last year, but held up longer, adding to a strong quarterly performance.