The Full Download 2019

In our second in-depth analysis into the state of eCommerce in New Zealand, we look at the changes in online shopping and consumer behaviour over 2018. We explain where the growth is, where the opportunities lie for the savvy business operator and how our eCommerce know-how can help you take advantage of these exciting opportunities.

Annual eCommerce Review

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Lady with laptop conscious shopping

Q1 2024 - The search for value continues

The search for value continues Kiwis spent $1.39 billion online in the Q1 2024, up 2% on Q1 2023. Online’s continued growth this quarter was driven by 19% more online transactions than the year before.
Woman sitting next to a laptop with credit card in hand

Q1 2023 - the economic cut back

A review of online shopping numbers and trends in the first quarter of 2023, exploring the impact that tough economic conditions had on shopping behaviour.