Download our latest report for valuable insights to grow your business
Welcome to the eCommerce Market Sentiments Report, our annual look at how online retailers and shoppers saw the last year and what they are expecting and prioritising in the year ahead. We hope the insights help you grow your online business in 2024 and beyond.
In this latest report:
- The economic conditions are seeing shoppers look to maximise value. We explore what shoppers value and how they make decisions about who they buy from.
- We outline how online retailers continued to adapt to the tough conditions.
- We showcase two successful Kiwi retailers – Foxtrot Home and Not Socks – who are growing, despite the conditions, through strong customer engagement.
- We learn more about the importance of sustainable practices, overseas spending and the value on your bottom line of a strong delivery experience.
- And throughout the report we offer a series of valuable hints to help you grow your online business
Download the report and enjoy our latest insights. You can also watch our shopper video to see what shoppers are prioritising in 2024 and watch the Foxtrot Home video on growth through customer engagement and a great customer experience.

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