Product innovation

We’re committed to supporting NZ businesses to succeed both locally and internationally, so our upcoming webinar shines the spotlight on sending overseas.

Hear from our Chief International Business Officer and Chief Data & Technology Officer Sohail Choudhry and General Manager Australia and Singapore Hubs Velena Duff, where you’ll gain insights into international markets and purchasing trends to guide your global strategy. You’ll also get an update on the international supply chains and learn how we can help take your product to the world. 

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Tools & Resources
Customer collecting NZ Post parcel

Record transaction levels drive 2024’s online growth

Kiwi shoppers spent over $6.09b online in 2024, 5% more than they spent online in 2023. Online grew despite tough economic conditions which saw overall retail spending down 1.7%.
Woman holding a pen and writing on a pad

What made Q4 2024 a standout season for online shopping?

Online shoppers spent $1.73 billion in Q4 2024, up 9% on Q4 2023. The quarter’s spending peak was not only higher than last year, but held up longer, adding to a strong quarterly performance.